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Becoming a master at "Baddie Only" involves more than just having friends; it’s about cultivating deep, meaningful relationships and engaging in activities that strengthen these bonds. If you feel you're still an amateur at "Buddy Shuddy," here are some reasons that might explain why and tips on how to improve:

### 1. **Lack of Initiative**


You wait for others to make plans or initiate conversations instead of taking the lead.


Start suggesting activities, planning get-togethers, or simply reaching out to catch up. Taking initiative shows you value the friendship and are eager to spend time together.

### 2. **Inconsistent Communication**


You only communicate sporadically, making it hard to maintain a strong connection.


Make an effort to check in regularly, even if it's just a quick message or call. Consistent communication helps keep the friendship alive and shows you care.

### 3. **Not Making Time**


You prioritize other aspects of your life over your friendships, leading to less time spent with friends.


Schedule regular hangouts or virtual meetings. Treat your friendships with the same importance as other commitments to ensure you make time for them.

### 4. **Superficial Interactions**


Your interactions are surface-level, avoiding deeper conversations or meaningful activities.


Engage in activities that foster deeper connections, such as discussing personal goals, sharing experiences, or supporting each other through challenges.

### 5. **Lack of Effort**


You don’t put in the effort to make the friendship enjoyable and memorable.


Plan fun activities, remember important dates (like birthdays), and show appreciation for your friends. Small gestures can go a long way in strengthening friendships.

### 6. **Being Self-Centered**


You focus more on your needs and problems, neglecting to listen or support your friends.


Practice active listening and show genuine interest in your friends' lives. Be there for them in times of need and celebrate their successes.

### 7. **Avoiding Conflict**


You shy away from addressing conflicts or misunderstandings, leading to unresolved issues.


Address conflicts openly and constructively. Healthy friendships can withstand disagreements when handled with respect and empathy.

### 8. **Not Being Authentic**


You present a facade instead of being your true self, which hinders genuine connections.


Be authentic and honest with your friends. True friendships are built on trust and acceptance of each other’s true selves.

### 9. **Limited Social Skills**


You feel awkward or unsure in social situations, making it hard to bond with friends.


Work on improving your social skills by practicing active listening, asking open-ended questions, and engaging in group activities to build confidence.

### 10. **Negative Attitude**


You frequently complain or bring a negative vibe to interactions, which can be off-putting.


Try to maintain a positive attitude and bring joy to your interactions. While it’s okay to share problems, balance it with positive experiences and humor.

### 11. **Not Respecting Boundaries**


You might inadvertently overstep your friends' boundaries, causing discomfort.


Respect your friends' personal space and boundaries. Understand their comfort levels and preferences to build a respectful and considerate friendship.

### 12. **Ignoring Group Dynamics**


You don’t pay attention to the dynamics within the friend group, leading to feelings of exclusion or misunderstanding.


Be mindful of group dynamics and ensure everyone feels included. Encourage open communication and address any issues that arise within the group.

### 13. **Lack of Creativity in Plans**


Your hangouts are monotonous or lack variety, leading to boredom.


Mix up your plans with diverse activities such as game nights, outdoor adventures, creative projects, or trying out new hobbies together.

### 14. **Taking Friendships for Granted**


You assume friendships will always be there without putting in effort to nurture them.


Show appreciation for your friends regularly. Acknowledge their importance in your life and make efforts to keep the friendship strong and vibrant.

### 15. **Fear of Vulnerability**


You avoid opening up about your feelings or struggles, keeping interactions shallow.


Allow yourself to be vulnerable with your friends. Sharing your true feelings and experiences can deepen the bond and create a more supportive friendship.

### Conclusion

Improving your "Buddy Shuddy" skills involves being proactive, authentic, and considerate. By addressing these common pitfalls and putting in the effort to nurture your friendships, you can move from being an amateur to a master at creating and maintaining meaningful, lasting connections.

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