Liste de jeux Apple II
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Cette liste de jeux Apple II regroupe des jeux vidéo fonctionnant sur l'ensemble des modèles d'Apple II, ordinateurs de la marque Apple.
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- A Mind Forever Voyaging
- Adventure
- Adventure Construction Set
- Adventure in Time
- Adventureland (Scott Adams #1)
- Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, The: Across the Eighth Dimension
- A.E.
- Airheart
- Akalabeth
- Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
- Alien Mind
- Alien Rain
- Aliens: The Computer Game
- Alpine Encounter, The
- Alter Ego
- Amazon
- Amnesia
- Ancient Art of War, The
- Andromeda Conquest
- Ape Escape
- Apple Cider Spider
- Apple Panic
- Apventure to Atlantis
- Aquatron
- Arcade Bootcamp
- Arcade Machine, The
- Arcticfox
- Archon: The Light and the Dark
- Archon II: Adept
- Arena of Octos
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
- Armure sacrée d'Antiriad, L'
- Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur
- Asteroid Field, The
- Autoduel
- Axis Assassin
- Aztec
- B-1 Nuclear Bomber
- B-24
- Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja
- Balance of Power
- Ballades au pays de Mère l'Oie
- Ballblazer
- Ballyhoo
- Baltic 1985
- Bandits
- Baratin blues
- Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior
- Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown
- Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight
- Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate
- Batman: The Caped Crusader
- Bats in the Belfry
- Battallion Commander
- Battle Chess
- Battle Cruiser
- Battle for Normandy
- Battle of Antietam
- Battle of Shiloh, The
- Battlefront
- BattleGroup
- Battles in Normandy
- Battles of Napoleon
- BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception
- Battlezone
- Beach Head
- Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back
- Beneath Apple Manor
- B.C.'s Quest for Tires
- Beer Run
- Below the Root
- Bête du Gévaudan, La
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
- Bilestoad, The
- Bismarck
- Beyond Zork
- Black Magic
- Black Onyx, The
- Blade of Blackpoole, The
- Blister Ball
- Blockout
- Bloody Murder
- Blue Powder, Grey Smoke
- Bolo
- Bomb Alley
- Border Zone
- Borrowed Time
- Boulder Dash
- Breakthrough in the Ardennes
- Broadsides
- Bruce Lee
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Ghost
- Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
- Bug Attack
- Bureaucracy
- BurgerTime
- Buzzard Bait
- California Games
- Cannonball Blitz
- Canyon Climber
- Captain Goodnight and the Islands of Fear
- Carrier Command
- Carrier Force
- Carriers at War 1941-1945: Fleet Carrier Operations in the Pacific
- Cartels and Cutthroats
- Castle Smurfenstein
- Castle Wolfenstein
- Cavern Creatures
- Caverns of Callisto
- Ceiling Zero
- Centipede
- Champions of Krynn
- Championship Baseball
- Championship Boxing
- Championship Lode Runner
- Chessmaster 2000, The
- Chivalry
- Choplifter!
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
- Close Assault
- Colonial Conquest
- Computer Air Combat
- Computer Ambush
- Computer Baseball
- Computer Bismarck
- Computer Conflict
- Computer Edition of Risk, The: The World Conquest Game
- Computer Napoleonics: The Battle of Waterloo
- Computer Quarterback
- Conan: Hall of Volta
- Conflict in Vietnam
- Congo Bongo
- Copts and Robbers
- Cosmic Balance, The
- Cosmic Balance II, The
- Count, The (Scott Adams #5)
- Coveted Mirror, The
- Cranston Manor (Hi-Res Adventure #3)
- Crime du parking, Le
- Crimson Crown, The
- Crisis Mountain
- Crosscountry USA
- Crazy Mazey
- Crossfire
- Crusade in Europe
- Crush Crumble and Chomp!
- Crypt of Medea
- Crystal Castles
- Curse of Crowley Manor, The
- Curse of the Azure Bonds
- Cutthroats
- Cytron Masters
- Dallas Quest
- Dam Busters, The
- Dangerous Dave
- Dangerous Dave Returns
- Dark Castle
- Dark Crystal, The (Hi-Res Adventure #6)
- Dark Forest
- Dave Goes Nutz!
- David's Midnight Magic
- Deadline
- Death in the Caribbean
- Decision in the Desert
- Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume I
- Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume II
- Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume III
- Demon's Forge, The
- Demon's Winter
- Deathlord
- Deathmaze 5000
- Déjà Vu
- Déjà Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas
- Delta Squadron
- Depthcharge
- Destroyer
- Destroyer Escort
- Dig Dug
- Dino Eggs
- Dnieper River Line
- Donkey Kong
- Dragon Wars
- Dragon's Eye
- Dragon's Keep
- Dragonfire II
- Dreadnoughts
- Drol
- DuckTales: The Quest for Gold
- Dung Beetles
- Dungeon Campaign
- Dungeon Master
- Dunjonquest: Morloc's Tower
- Eagles
- Eamon
- Earl Weaver Baseball
- Earthly Delights
- Eidolon, The
- Elite
- Empire I: World Builders
- Empire II: Interstellar Sharks
- Empire III: Armageddon
- Empire of the Over-Mind
- Enchanter
- EOS: Earth Orbit Stations
- Epidemic!
- Epoch
- Escape from Arcturus
- Escape from Rungistan
- Eternal Dagger, The
- Europe Ablaze
- Evolution
- Galactic Adventures
- Galactic Attack
- Galactic Empire
- Galactic Gladiators
- Galaxy
- Gamma Goblins
- Garry Kitchen's GameMaker
- Gauntlet
- GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two
- Gemstone Healer
- Gemstone Warrior
- Geopolitique 1990
- Germany 1985
- Gettysburg: The Turning Point
- Gertrude's Puzzles
- Gertrude's Secrets
- Ghostbusters
- Gobbler
- Gold Rush!
- Gorgon
- Grand Fleet
- Gruds in Space
- Guadacanal Campaign
- Gulf Strike
- Gumball
- L.A. Crackdown
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth: The Computer Game
- Last Ninja, The
- Law of the West
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Legacy of the Ancients
- Legend of Blacksilver, The
- Legionnaire
- Leisure Suit Larry: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Leisure Suit Larry II: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)
- Lemmings
- Lemonade Stand
- Little Computer People
- Lock 'n' Chase
- Lode Runner
- Lordlings of Yore
- Lode Runner, Championship
- Lords of Conquest
- Lords of Karma
- Lurking Horror, The
- Lunar Leepers
- MacArthur's War: Battles for Korea
- Magic Candle, The: Volume 1
- Make Your Own Murder Party
- Mandragore
- Manhunter: New York
- Maniac Mansion
- Manoir de Mortevielle, Le
- Marauder
- Marble Madness
- Mario Bros.
- Mars Cars
- Mars Saga
- Mask of the Sun
- MasterType
- Matterhorn Screamer!
- Mech Brigade
- Même les pommes de terre ont des yeux!
- Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
- Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker
- Mickey's Space Adventure
- Microbe: The Anatomical Adventure
- Microsoft Adventure
- Microwave
- Midway Campaign
- Might and Magic: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum
- Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World
- Milestones 2000
- Mindshadow
- Miner 2049er
- Mission Asteroid (Hi-Res Adventure #0)
- Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony
- Money Munchers
- Montezuma's Revenge
- Moon Patrol
- Moonmist
- Mouskattack
- Mr. Do!
- Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory
- Muppets on Stage
- Mur de Berlin va sauter, Le
- Murder on the Mississippi
- Murder on the Zinderneuf
- Mystery House (Hi-Res Adventure #1)
- Mystery Fun House (Scott Adams #7)
- Panzer Battles
- Panzer Grenadier
- Panzer Strike
- Paperboy
- Paranoïak
- Pawn, The
- People Pong
- Pest Patrol
- Phantasie
- Phantasie II
- Phantasie III
- Phantoms Five
- PHM Pegasus
- Parthian Kings
- Pick 'n Pile
- Pick-A-Dilly Pair
- Pig Pen
- Pinball Construction Set
- Pipe Mania
- Pirate Adventure (Scott Adams #2)
- Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
- Pitstop II
- Planetfall
- Platoon
- Pleins gaz
- Plundered Hearts
- Portal
- Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel
- Pool of Radiance
- Pooyan
- President Elect
- Prince of Persia
- The Prisoner
- Prisoner 2
- Professional Tour Golf
- Project Space Station
- Pursuit of the Graf Spee
- Pyramids of Egypt
- Raiders of the Lost Ring
- Rails West!
- Rampage
- Rastan Saga
- Raster Blaster
- RDF 1985
- Reach for the Stars
- Read 'N Roll
- Realm of Impossibility
- Realms of Darkness
- Rear Guard
- Rebel Charge at Chickamauga
- Reforger '88
- Rendezvous with Rama
- Renegade
- Repton
- Rescue at Rigel
- Rescue on Fractalus!
- Rescue Raiders
- Return of Heracles
- Ring Quest
- Rings of Zilfin
- Ringside Seat
- Road to Gettysburg, The
- Roadwar 2000
- Roadwar Europa
- Robot Odyssey
- Robot Rascals
- Robotron: 2084
- RobotWar
- Rocket Ranger
- Rocky's Boots
- Rommel: Battles for North Africa
- Russia: The Great War in the East 1941-1945
- Russki Duck
- S.E.U.I.S.
- Sabotage
- Sammy Lightfoot
- Sands of Egypt, The
- Saracen
- Sargon I
- Sargon II
- Sargon III
- Savage Island
- Sea Dragon
- Seafox
- Seastalker
- Secret Mission (Scott Adams #3)
- Séduction 1
- Serpentine
- Seven Cities of Gold, The
- Seventh Fleet
- Shadowgate
- Shanghai
- Shard of Spring
- Shattered Alliance, The
- Sherlock Holmes: Another Bow
- Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
- Sherwood Forest
- Shiloh: Grant's Trial in the West
- Shufflepuck Cafe
- Sid Meier's Pirates!
- Silent Service
- Silicon Dreams
- Silpheed
- Situation Critical
- Six-Gun Shootout
- Skate or Die!
- Skyfox
- Snack Attack
- Snack Attack and Friends
- Snake Byte
- Sneakers
- Snoopy to the Rescue
- Softporn Adventure
- Solo Flight
- Sons of Liberty
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle
- Southern Command
- Space
- Space II
- Space Eggs
- Space Quarks
- Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter
- Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge
- Spare Change
- Speedway Classic
- Spellbreaker
- Spellevator
- Spindizzy
- Spirit of Excalibur
- Spitfire '40
- Spy Hunter
- Spy vs. Spy
- Spy's Demise
- Stalingrad Campaign
- Standing Stones
- StarBlazer
- Star Fleet I
- Star Maze
- Star Thief
- Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative
- Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
- Starcross
- Starfleet Orion
- Stargate
- Starglider
- Starship Commander
- Stationfall
- Stellar 7
- Strange Odyssey (Scott Adams #6)
- Strategic Conquest
- Strike Fleet
- Sub Battle Simulator
- Summer Games
- Summer Games II
- SunDog: Frozen Legacy
- Super Bunny
- Super Zaxxon
- Suspect
- Suspended
- Speedway Classics
- Swashbuckler
- Sword of Kadash
- Swordthrust
- Taipan
- Tanktics
- Tass Times in Tonetown
- Tawala's Last Redoubt
- Telengard
- Tempête sur les Bermudes
- Temple of Apshai
- Terrorist
- Test Drive
- Test Drive II: The Duel
- Tetris
- Theatre Europe
- Thexder
- Threshold
- Tigers in the Snow
- Time Zone
- Times of Lore
- Titan Empire
- Tomahawk
- Torpedo Fire
- Torpedos Away
- Transylvania
- Transylvania III: Vanquish The Night
- Trinity
- Trolls and Tribulations
- Troll's Tale
- Type Attack
- Typhoon of Steel
- Victory Road
- Voodoo Castle (Scott Adams #4)
- War in Russia
- War in the South Pacific
- War of the Lance
- Warp Factor
- Warship
- Wasteland
- Wavy Navy
- Wayout
- Wheel of Fortune
- Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?
- Wilderness Campaign
- Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension
- Windfall: The Oil Crisis Game
- Windwalker
- Wings of Fury
- Winter Games
- Wishbringer
- Witness, The
- Wizard of Oz, The
- Wizard and the Princess (Hi-Res Adventure #2)
- Wizard's Crown
- Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
- Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds
- Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn
- Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna
- Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Word Munchers
- World Class Leader Board
- World Games
- World Series Baseball
- World Tour Golf
Liens externes[modifier]
- (en) Liste des jeux Apple II sur MobyGames
Sommaire : | Haut - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Erreur Lua dans Module:Catégorisation_badges à la ligne 170 : attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).Erreur Lua dans Module:Suivi_des_biographies à la ligne 189 : attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
Cet Article wiki "Liste de jeux Apple II" est issu de Wikipedia. La liste de ses auteurs peut être visible dans ses historiques et/ou la page Edithistory:Liste de jeux Apple II.